Neural Transmission

The questions below are due on Thursday February 13, 2025; 02:00:00 PM.
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The axon of an unmyelinated nerve fiber is cylindrical in shape and conducts neural messages known as action potentials. Action potentials have a characteristic shape that propagates with uniform speed along the length of the axon, so that action potentials measured at two different locations, labeled A and B below,

differ by a shift in time, as shown in the following plots of voltage versus time.

Throughout this question, you can assume that time t is measured in milliseconds (ms) and distance z is measured in millimeters (mm).

Part a. Assume that measurement site A is located at z=0 and measurement site B is located at z=5,mm. How fast is the action potential propagating?

Part b. Let v(z,t) represent the voltage of the action potential as a function of distance z and time t. Determine an expression for v(z,t) of the form

where a and b are constants.

Part c. Sketch voltage as a function of space (z) when t=8\,ms.

Upload your solution to this problem (including parts a, b, and c) as a single pdf file.
Your most recent submission before the problem deadline is the one that will be graded.
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